Happy Valentine’s Day

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We hope you’ve got a good winter love story brewing today. While we gear up for tomorrow’s “Love, Actually” Pros(e) of Pie, take a peek at Google’s search page today. Each letter turns into a candy heart – but wait, there’s more! We almost missed that you can click on each of the hearts to hear true story from This American Life. Which will be your favorite?

Tickets still available!

Thanks to the endless waves of polar vortex, thundersnow, and sleet, we have a few tickets available for tomorrow’s show. Get them before yours before they’re gone again!
Click to buy tickets!

Google V-Day


Stay warm and see you tomorrow.

January recap

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January’s show was another sold-out hit, with some calling it the best PoP yet. We think all the show’s have been great but this one certainly included a wonderful mix of Big Chill-themed stories, emotions and reactions – exactly what our events are all about!

Big thanks to this month’s long-form storytellers- Jill Lifflander, Ivy Eisenberg, Cynthia Ehrenkratz, and Mike Witkowski – and congratulations to all of our brave open-mic’ers. It won’t be the same without your willingness to share your life’s stories with us.

Finally, double congratulations to the newly crowned Pie Master for January, Susan, whose chocolate caramel walnut tart won a $20 gift card to the recently opened Mrs. Green‘s up the street.  Her tart pleased our bellies as much as her open mic story had us cracking up. This is Susan’s second win and is part of  year long challenge of baking pies weekly (thanks to a lost bet). We’re hoping the rest of this story makes it to the PoP stage soon.

Stay tuned for the ticket release for Februarys’ show. Theme: “Love, Actually” on Feb. 15.


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That’s right, Jan. 23 every year is National Pie Day. So says the Pie Council (yes, the Pie Council, and yes, we’re petitioning to join).

Of course, at Pros(e) of Pie we bring you pie day every month.  If you can’t join us for Saturday’s show (tickets sold out already), stay tuned for announcements about our upcoming shows:

Feb. 15 – “Love, Actually”

Mar. 15 – “Schemes & Betrayal”

November’s Pros(e) of Pie recap

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We had a such a wonderful line up for November’s Pros(e) of Pie on Saturday.  Our featured storytellers shared their true tech-related tales:

Paul Williams
Mike Witkowski
Jim Keyes

Plus many open mic contributions from several brave neighbors, including this month’s newly crowned Pie Master Susan Landon with her crowd-pleasing cranberry apple pie.


Pie News – The Great Dessert Debate

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We wouldn’t dream of saying anything bad about pie. Apparently, others don’t feel the same. It seems there’s a Great Dessert Debate going on: what’s the more classic southern dessert, pie or cake?

And it’s making pie news : The New York Times investigates the deliberations within the halls of the The Southern Foodways Alliance Symposium.

Of course, that’s the South. Up here in the Northeast, we’re well into Autumn and deep into Halloween season. There can be no desserts more appropriate than pie. Just take your pick – apple pie, pumpkin pie… What’s not to love???

Halloween PoP in the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery!

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For Halloween, we’re bringing you a very special edition of Pros(e) of Pie from the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery! We’ve got a great line-up of local storytellers for  this month’s theme – all things Halloween. Hear tales about superhero origins, life-changing pursuits and a costumed coming of age.  Some of our storyteller will be in costumes so feel free to wear yours too. Weather permitting, the event will be held outdoors in the cemetery; inclement weather will move the event into the chapel.

Tickets are already selling for this special edition of Pros(e) of Pie, the Hudson Valley’s most popular storytelling series. Come find out what’s drawing audiences to month after month of sold-out shows. Trust us, it’s not just the pie!

When: Oct. 23, 8pm


Location: THE SLEEPY HOLLOW CEMETERY (540 North Broadway, Sleepy Hollow, NY)
And, let’s keep it clear folks : this show will be at the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery – not the Old Dutch Church. Use the entrance about half a mile north of the Old Dutch Church.

ALL tickets for this show will be sold online. Doors open at 8pm sharp.


The pies entered in our bake-off are baked by members of the audience. Tempted to enter your creation for a chance to win a gift card? Just buy tickets early and try to drop your pie off by 7:30p for the best chance at votes!

If you’re interested in telling a storyemail co-producers Ivy Eisenberg  or Zak Shusterman for additional information and to schedule an audition.


September PoP – another sold out hit!

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Thanks to everyone who came out to September’s sold out installment of Pros(e) of Pie. We heard prepared stories about molding young minds through snow play, building a community landmark and growing up on a street of large families. Brave audience members took up open mic slots to tell shorter stories that made us laugh, cry, and wonder in awe.

The vote-winning pie of the night was a tasty Blueberry, basil & goat cheese pie created by PoP fan TC that blew the audience away. Stay tuned for her generously shared recipe and video of the the night’s stories.

In the meantime, stay tuned for details on a very special Halloween edition of PoP at the legendary Sleepy Hollow cemetery and enjoy these photos from the evening.


Pros(e) of Pie Radio Interview

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In case you weren’t able to tune in to WFAS-1230 AM or stream at www.LisaWexler.com to hear coproducer Zak Shusterman being interviewed on The Lisa Wexler Show on Aug 30th, here’s a clip of the show. Hear Lisa enjoy some pie and learn about our storytelling format, the pie bake-off and what makes Pros(e) of Pie Westchester’s hottest new ticket.